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extract channels

extract just left or right channel from a stereo file

sox input.wav out_left.wav remix 1
sox input.wav out_right.wav remix 2

mono to stereo

from two mono file to a single stereo file

sox -M -c 1 left.wav -c 1 right.wav output.mp3 

batch cut and fade out

sorry, this is for the fish shell:

for x in *.wav 
    set base ( basename $x .wav ) 
    set base $base"_cut.wav"
    echo "$base"
    sox "$x" "$base" fade 0 0:01.6 0:00.2
    trash "$x"

batch strip silence

for recorded audio

sox infile.wav outfile.wav silence 1 0.1 1% 1 0.1 1%

for digital audio

sox infile.wav outfile.wav silence 1 0.0 0% 1 0.0 0%

batch processing to the trimmed/ folder (fish shell)

for x in *.wav 
    mkdir -p trimmed
    sox "$x" "trimmed/$x" silence 1 0.0 0% 1 0.1 0%

batch processing for games

trims like before, and convert to .ogg, to folder sfx

for x in *.wav 
    set base ( basename $x .wav ) 
    mkdir -p sfx 
    sox "$x" "sfx/$base.ogg" silence 1 0.0 0% 1 0.5 0%

automagical chop

chops a wav file with silence between different hits

sox input.wav chop_n.wav silence 1 0.1 1% 1 0.1 1% 
        : newfile : restart