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top down map template

side platformer map template

In April the work on gamedev was mostly slow, as i'm putting a lot of time on improving my art fundamentals. I've just taken the previous maps and built two aseprite / tiled map template from that to use a starting point.

For improving my drawing skill (and hopefully my pixel art) I've studied a bit of lessons from drawabox. In the past months I got up to lesson 3 ( including drawing 250 boxes ) and now trying other resources, expecially Marc Brunet videos on youtube. I've seen some improvement but there's still a lot of work to do ( leading to probably more months with less coding and few things to show ).

posted : 2024/04/28

bitmap brothery tiles and creamy clouds

In march i worked on making a top down character controller and tileset. I've also refactored and cleaned the existing codebase.


The feature added to the engine i'm building with love2d are:

I also researched a bit for a good workflow for animating sprites, this time i used as reference an animation downloaded from Mixamo and rendered by Blender:

blender can render 3d models in orthographic projection instad of using perspetive

i always animate the skeleton moving before putting it in place, making it travel a constant amount of pixels ( 4px here )

I've also scrapped a good amount of stuff, here it is the first character / tile design, the tiles were ispired by Ricardo Bofill's Muralla Roja :

level editing with TileD

posted : 2024/03/28

we heard you like games, so we put a game inside your game

In february I kept improving the 2d tile engine, I've added quite some features, expecially the code for managing audio tracks and FXs, improved character controller and full code for the menus and settings. Minigames can now be put inside the narration, as seen in the video above.

I've added another pixel art study to this page.


This is the list of added features implemented this month:

* narrator is the object managing all the overlays: text panel, image panels, interactive widgets.

I've also done some assets to test those functionality, like the ladder climb avatar animation and the breakout game elements, the TileD maps for the splash screen and the shown video and the relative music and sounds.

I've setted for a random change in the ball x/y speed on paddle hit but probably a more interesting behavior can be coded ( maybe based on getting and setting the vector angle ).

the ORCA patch for the level background loops and sound fx

For making both the music and the sound fx i've used the livecoding environment ORCA (the c version) together with my sampler/wavetable synth folderkit. It's a combination that i've used to play music live for a few years so it's really convenient (for me).

posted : 2024/02/28