The feature added to the engine i'm building with love2d are:
Correct rendering of top down rectangular tiles. The engine physics is based on square tiles but the graphics are rendered with the tileset ratio.
Top down character controller, with featuring dashing and some tweaks for automatically navigating around near corners. Different tipes of working walls and stairs.
Refactoring for both the top down and platformer avatar, functionality divided between a movement controller and an animation component.
More refactoring and cleaning.
I also researched a bit for a good workflow for animating sprites, this time i used as reference an animation downloaded from Mixamo and rendered by Blender:
blender can render 3d models in orthographic projection instad of using perspetive
i always animate the skeleton moving before putting it in place, making it travel a constant amount of pixels ( 4px here )
I've also scrapped a good amount of stuff, here it is the first character / tile design, the tiles were ispired by Ricardo Bofill's Muralla Roja :